Hanne Cecilie Anker Wong Kee Yan

Welcome to Hanne's Home Page!!! With the kind assistance of my brother Jan Frederik, I have now entered into cyberspace and created my own web site - MY link to YOU!

I was born in Trondheim in 1965, but moved to Oslo in 1984. One reason was the poor climate in Trondheim; another, a cute guy from Mauritius named Jimmy. I originally intended to study French, but for various reasons I decided not to and I am now Team Assistant/Trainer with McKinsey & Company in Oslo. Obviously, I must have suffered from a temporary memorylaps that made me forget about my longtime ambition to become an archaeologist, but it's never too late...

Well, so I married this exotic Chino-Mauritian, and in 1986 our first daughter Charlotte was born and in 1989 our second daughter Elena. With a blend of viking blood, sega rhythms, and old traditions from Meixien, the result just had to be perfect!

My great interests in life are archaeology, egyptology, and soccer (weird combination!). Rosenborg Ballklubb (RBK) is THE club and after beating Milan at San Siro, nothing is impossible for these guys!


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